
Slow-Cooked BBQ: The Recipe You've Been Waiting For

Slow-Cooked BBQ: The Recipe You've Been Waiting For

This recipe found us years ago and we've served it to just about everyone. We hope you'll love it too! It's based off a Cook's Country recipe from 2007, but we've tweaked it over the years for our tastes.

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How to Choose Your Next Coffee Maker

How to Choose Your Next Coffee Maker

Does your coffee maker have the death gurgles? You know what we mean — the gurgling, puffing, pitiful noises that indicate its time on this earth is growing dim. The coffee may take forever to get into the carafe. Maybe it's not hot enough. Maybe you're just tired of looking at that model from 1995 and it's time to spruce up the kitchen counter.

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How to Make Great Coffee with a French Press

How to Make Great Coffee with a French Press

Hello! Jessie here, part of the Team at Ron's Beans. I'm here for one reason — to convince you a French Press is the solution for all your coffee needs. For years I looked askance at those little glass models I saw in the stores, unsure of how such a thing could make coffee at all, let alone good coffee. I grew up in a home that had an electric coffee maker that pumped out gallons of Folgers, year after year.

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Ice Cream and Coffee: A Perfect Combination

Ice Cream and Coffee: A Perfect Combination

As we write this post, it's hot. Summer is officially here — the sidewalks are radiating heat, car interiors are as hot as the surface of the sun, and we're all parched and cranky. Let's find a way to cheer ourselves, up, shall we? Let's take our favorite thing — coffee — and combine it with our other favorite thing — ice cream.

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